Travel: Chewton Glen Hotel

The past few months has been rather busy to say the least, with running a business, juggling a new baby & toddler and an impending relocation (for another time) into the mix. A serious case of R&R was needed and there's no better place to be thoroughly pampered than at the beautiful Chewton Glen hotel on the edge of the New Forest. 

We've stayed at Chewton Glen a couple of years before, also as a spur of the moment looking to de-stress and it worked a treat. This time, we hoped the folks there would do its magic again and send us home feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.


(Photo credit: Chewton Glen)

I instantly fell in love with our room, it's elegantly decorated, spacious with two terraces and a separate children's bedroom with bunk beds. To say Bubs was excited about his bedroom was an understatement, he spent the first 20 minutes climbing up and down the stairs to and from the top bunk. The welcome is second to none from the moment we arrived - awaiting Mr J and I was a bottle of champagne and a box of chocolates, snacks for the kids as well as a gift each. Happy children, happy (and relaxed) parents. 

Photo 10-06-2016 17 09 38Our beautiful room - the "Patience Heatherstone"

We decided to not go anywhere for the entire weekend, there was plenty on the 130 acres estate to keep Bubs entertained. We walked the kids around the "kitchen garden" brimming with fruit and veg. After breakfast each morning, we took the boys to the indoor swimming pool located in the spa and switched to the heated outdoor pool for the afternoon. Bubs loved the children's garden, the bug hotel and the Treehouse Suites. We loved the setting, the fine food and simply having time together just the four of us. It's a world that I could happily stay in forever. 

Photo 12-06-2016 09 47 19Bean's first swim

And in case you were wondering....the wonderful folks at Chewton Glen did send Mr J and I home feeling refreshed, less stressed and with a bag of biscuits. The kids, however was absolutely shattered from a fun filled weekend at the "big house" - they were asleep before we'd even left the New Forest....


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